“Grand Conversation on Sebastopol Arose (I)”
The British defeat the Russians at Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman and Sebastopol. British generals and units are named. Incidentally, there was some help by "6,000 sons of France"
Except for the line and rhyme structure and the use of the title in the last line of each verse this ballad seems unrelated to the earlier "Grand Conversation" broadsides. - BS
For background on the Crimean War, and the rather inaccurate numbers in this piece, see the notes to "The Heights of Alma (I)" [Laws J10]. - RBW
Historical references
- Sept 20, 1854 - Battle of Alma
- Oct 25, 1854 - Battle of Balaclava
- Nov 5, 1854 - Battle of Inkerman
- Sep 9, 1855 - Fall of Sevastopol following an 11 month siege
Cross references
- cf. "The Grand Conversation on Napoleon" (structure)
- cf. "The Grand Conversation on Brave Nelson" (structure)
- cf. "Grand Conversation on Sebastopol Arose (I)" (subject)
- cf. "The Heights of Alma (I)" [Laws J10] (subject: British boasting about the Crimean War)
- Bodleian, Firth c.14(71), "Grand Conversation on Sebastopol Arose" ("You Britons all, both old and young, attend unto my song"), unknown, no date