“An Spailpin Fanach (The Rover)”


Gaelic. The singer had been a rover for hire by farmers at fairs. Now, instead, he will carry the Pike under the French banner. He is leaving a girl behind in Kerry. When the French arrive the yeomen and English will be forced to fly.


The description is from the translation by George Sigerson as Moylan 132, "The Rover."

For more on the French involvement in the Rebellion of 1798 see, for example, the notes to "The Men of the West" and "The Shan Van Voght" - BS

Historical references

  • 1798 - Irish rebellion against British rule


  1. Moylan 131, "Spailpin Fanach, An" (1 text Gaelic, 1 tune); 132, "The Rover" (1 text English)
  2. BI, Moyl131


Author: George Sigerson (1836-1925) (translator )(source: Moylan)
Earliest date: 1897 (Sigerson's _Bards of the Gael and Gall_, according to Moylan; source for date: "George Sigerson" on Ireland's Millenia site)
Found in: Ireland