Miss Forbes's Farewell to Banff — "Farewell ye fields an' meadows green, The blest retreat of peace and love." Th… Miss Green — Miss Green courted Sean O'Farrell. He left "for the love of old Ireland" and wa… Miss Green — Miss Green courted Sean O'Farrell. He left "for the love of old Ireland" and wa… Monk McClamont's "Farewell to Articlave" — In (18)40, the singer prepares to sail for America on the Provincial. The ship … Muldoon, the Solid Man — "I am a man of great influence... I came when small from Donegal, in the Daniel… Mullaghdoo — The singer recalls how "Hugh Fulton, once my comrade dear, Pursuing fortune, le… Mullinabrone — The singer sees two lovers saying goodbye. He is going to America; she fears he… My Father's Servant Boy — The girl's father plans to have her marry a gentleman. She chooses instead to f… My Father's Servant Boy — The girl's father plans to have her marry a gentleman. She chooses instead to f… My Girl from Donegal — The singer is setting out for America. He tells those around him of his parting…