The Park in Portadown — The singer meets a woman who knows him by name. He asks her to walk with him in… The Parson and the Clerk — Parson preaches against sin; clerk wants to do it. Parson denounces coveting g… The Parting Glass — The singer has done some ills and foolish things, but never with ill purpose an… Parting Words — "When the parting words were spoken And I told him he was free... I am free, oh… Partizaner Lid (The Partisan) — Yiddish: The guerrilla is advised to use (her) weapon well. A girl is going on … Pass Around the Bottle (As We Go Marching Home) — "Pass around the bottle and we'll all take a drink (x2) As we go marching home.… Pass Under the Rod — The singer variously sees "a young bride in her beauty and pride," a "young mot… Passant par Paris (Passing through Paris) — French capstan song. Singer is passing through Paris, when he's told that someo… Pastoral Elegy — "What sorrowful sounds do I hear Move slowly along in the gale?... Sweet Corode… Pastures of Plenty — "It's a mighty hard road that my poor hands has hoed." The singer describes the…