“The Pitman's Courtship”


"Quite soft blew the wind from the west, The sun faintly shone in the sky, When Lukey and Bessie sat courting, As walking I chanced to espy." He reminds her that they have been together since childhood, and promises business and a fine wedding

Supplemental text

Pitman's Courtship, The
  Partial text(s)

           *** A ***

From Stokoe/Reay, Songs and Ballads of Northern England, pp. 39-40.
Stanza 1.

Quite soft blew the wind from the west,
  The sun faintly shone in the sky,
When Lukey and Bessie sat courting,
  As walking I chanced to espy;
Unheeded I stole close beside them,
  To hear their discourse was my plan;
I listen'd each word they were saying,
  When Lukey his courtship began.

(6 additional stanzas)


  1. Stokoe/Reay, pp. 39-40, "The Pitman's Courtship" (1 text, 1 tune)
  2. ST StoR039 (Partial)
  3. Roud #3058
  4. BI, StoR039


Author: William Mitford
Earliest date: 1900 (Stokoe/Reay); Mitford died 1851
Keywords: love courting marriage
Found in: Britain(England(North))