“The Old Orange Flute”
A Protestant man marries a Catholic woman, but his flute refuses to convert, and continues to play Orange songs. Ultimately it is burnt at the stake as a heretic.
OLochlainn: "Learnt in Belfast about 1912; the tune is another version of Villikens." - BS
Cross references
- cf. "The Protestant Maid" (subject: religious conversion) and references there
- Hodgart, p. 216, "The Old Orange Flute" (1 text)
- OLochlainn 50, "The Old Orange Flute" (1 text, 1 tune)
- Hayward-Ulster, pp. 112-113, "The Ould Orange Flute" (1 text)
- OrangeLark 27, "The Ould Orange Flute" (1 text, 1 tune)
- Graham, p. 12, "The Ould Orange Flute" (1 text, 1 tune)
- Silber-FSWB, p. 318, "The Old Orange Flute" (1 text)
- Roud #3013
- BI, Hodg216