“The Boys of Virginia”
"Oh the boys of Virginia are brave roaring blades, Deceiving young maidens is part of their trade...." "I'll build you a castle on Virginia's free ground... And if anyone asks you whatever's my name, My name is Joe Thorpe, from Virginia I came"
This is so close to the "Boys of Kilkenny" that I thought of classifying it as a localized variant; Roud unsurprisingly lumps them. But it has some lyrics I have not seen in "Kilkenny" versions, and Randolph's text does not specify a tune, so I tentatively keep them separate. - RBW
Cross references
- cf. "The Boys of Kilkenny" (tune, meter, floating lyrics)
- Randolph 670, "The Boys of Virginia" (1 text)
- Roud #1451
- BI, R670