“The Banks of the Mossen”
"As I was a walking down by some shady grove... Young lambs were a-playing on the banks of sweet Mossen... The lark in the morning... brings me joyful tidings of Nancy my dear." The singer asks for pen and ink to write to Nancy
I'd bet a lot that this is one of those Johnny-the-sailor-separated-from-his-love type songs that's been collected about three hundred times -- but from the short text given (three short verses and a fairly generic chorus), I can't tell which one. - RBW
- Jim Swain, "The Banks of Sweet Mossing" (on Voice10)
- Copper-SoBreeze, pp. 242-243, "The Banks of the Mossen" (1 text, 1 tune)
- Roud #1201
- BI, CoSB242