“Sweep, Chimney Sweep”
Singer tells what cleanly work he makes as a chimney sweep. He tells the girls to arise and fetch him ale, then boasts about how he can climb to a rooftop without ladder or rope, and there you can hear him halloa. He says he will work for none but gentry.
Long description
Singer tells what cleanly work he makes as a chimney sweep. Girls come to his door; although he's black as a Moor, he's capable. He tells the girls to arise and fetch him some ale, then boasts about how he can climb to a rooftop without ladder or rope, and there you can hear him halloa. He says he will work for none but gentry. "Sweep, chim-nie sweep is the common cry I keep/If you can but rightly understand me"
Cross references
- The Chimney Sweep
- Bob & Ron Copper, "Sweep, Chimney Sweep" (on FSB3)
- Kennedy 240, "Sweep, Chim-nie Sweep" (1 text, 1 tune)
- Roud #1217
- BI, K240