“Sing, Sally O!”
There are two versions, one a halyard and the other a capstan shanty. Characteristic refrain is "Sing Sally O, an' a fol-lol-de-day." The verses of the capstan version have a general whoring theme and are speaking to a "Mudder or Mammy Dinah."
Cross references
- cf. "Hawl Away, Joe" (tune)
- cf. "Sally Brown" (some verses)
- Colcord, p. 60, "Sing Sally O!" (1 text, 1 tune - 1 verse only, no choruses)
- Hugill, pp. 388-389, "Sing, Sally O!" (2 texts, 2 tunes) [AbEd, pp. 296-297]
- Sharp-EFC, XXXI, p. 36, "Sing, Sally O" (1 text, 1 tune)
- MHenry-Appalachians, p. 233, (second of four "Fragments from Maryland") (1 fragment, which I link to this on the basis of the mention of Mammy Dinah, though it might be anything)
- Roud #4699
- BI, Hugi288