“Samuel Allen”


Samuel Allen is examining a rolling dam on the Rocky Brook. The dam falls apart, and Allen is drowned


  1. Laws C10, "Samuel Allen"
  2. Ives-NewBrunswick, pp. 49-53, "Rocky Brook" (1 text, 1 tune)
  3. Manny/Wilson 40, "Rocky Brook" (1 text, 1 tune)
  4. DT 716, SAMALLEN
  5. Roud #1944
  6. BI, LC10


Author: John Calhoun of Bouestown (1848-1939) (per Ives-NewBrunswickm Manny/Wilson)
Earliest date: 1947 (Manny/Wilson)
Keywords: logger death drowning
Found in: US(NE) Canada(Mar)