“Old Time Sealer's Song”


"We'll sound the hardy sealers praise, a wild and cheerful strain...." The singer notes that merchant vessels stop travelling in winter, but sealers work through all the dark. stormy months. At last they can come home from the ice

Supplemental text

Old Time Sealer's Song
  Partial text(s)

          *** A ***

As printed in Ryan & Small, Haulin' Rope & Gaff, pp. 18-19. Reprinted
from James Murphy, Songs Sung by Old Time Sealers of Many Years Ago.

We'll sound the hardy sealers praise, a wild and cheerful strain,
Who coast each creek and shore along or cross the billowy main;
Nor winter's storm nor seas alarm can daunt his daring mind,
Unknown to fear away he'll steer, old Neptune's place to find.

(7 additional stanzas)


  1. Ryan/Small, pp. 18-19, "Old Time Sealer's Song" (1 text, 1 tune)
  2. ST RySm018 (Partial)
  3. BI, RySm018


Author: "Mr. Webber... of Harbour Grace" ?
Earliest date: 1902 (Murphy, Songs and Ballads of Newfoundland, Ancient and Modern); dated by Murphy to 1842
Keywords: hunting ship work