“Ninety-Nine Bottles of Beer”
Need I really tell you? "Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, Ninety-nine bottles of beer, Take one down and pass it around, Ninety-eight bottles of beer...." And so on, ad nauseum, drunkenness, or exhaustion
Randolph's and Brown's texts, obviously, refers to "blue bottles" rather than "bottles of beer"; might this be an attempt to clean up the song for a temperate audience?
I will admit amazement that neither Randolph nor Brown seems to know this in its common form -- but then, they probably were born in the days before school buses took students on field trips. - RBW
Cross references
- cf. "Eight Little Cylinders" (counting)
- cf. "Ten Little Injuns" (counting)
- Randolph 456, "Ninety-Nine Blue Bottles" (1 text, 1 tune)
- BrownIII 190, "Ninety-Nine Blue Bottles" (1 text)
- DT, BOT99*
- Roud #7603
- BI, R456