“New Ireland Song”


The clergy order "not to sell whisky upon a Sunday." Mike Leyden and Tim Long go from place to place in New Ireland looking for rum but only find tea. It being very cold, the boys finally give up and go to bed.

Supplemental text

New Ireland Song
  Partial text(s)

          *** A ***

From Helen Creighton, Folksongs from Southern New Brunswick,
#116, pp. 228-229. Collected from Williams Wilson, Ratter's
Corner, N.B.

Oh it's come all you New Ireland lads,
Come listen to my song.
I'll sing you a few verses
Concerning Tom Long.

  And sing right fol the dey, dol the dol dey,
  To laddie to laddie sing right fol the dey.

Our business being there it's to get some rum,
Then Johnny he swore that it couldn't be done.
Our clergy gave orders and we must obey
Not to sell whisky upon a Sunday.

(7 additional stanzas)


Creighton-SNewBrunswick: "New Ireland is a farming community near Elgin" [in south central New Brunswick less than 20 miles north of the Bay of Fundy]. - BS

This seems to be a local composition based on some other local song. The text is reminiscent of "Sweet Betsy from Pike," but the tune is more like "Darby O'Leary" (which is known in New Brunswick). Of course, the latter is rather like "Sweet Betsy" put in minor. - RBW


  1. Creighton-SNewBrunswick 116, "New Ireland Song" (1 text, 1 tune)
  2. ST CrSNB116 (Partial)
  3. Roud #2784
  4. BI, CrSNB116


Author: unknown
Earliest date: 1960 (Creighton-SNewBrunswick)
Keywords: drink humorous
Found in: Canada(Mar)