“Moses Donohoe”


"The news from Rome ... our Pope he was in danger." April 29, 1869 Irish volunteers leave Dublin on the Avatuskey. They are rammed in a gale on May 10 and sink, deserted by the crew. Moses Donohue of Killincooley is among those drowned.


Did some ship, possibly named _Avatuskey_ -- or some more Polish name -- sail on April 29, 1869 to sink following a collision on May 10, 1869?

Ransom says "I have not been able to check up the correctness of the name 'Avatuskey,' nor have I been able to verify the statement that Irish volunteers went to the defence of the Papal States in 1869." Rome was all that was left of the Papal States in 1869 and it fell to Italy in "The Battle of Porta Pia" on September 20, 1870. Newspapers in Galway and London for the dates may reveal the facts. - BS

We might note that the Papal States were annexed rather than directly conquered by Italy; Porta Pia was more demonstration than battle. Of course, if the Papacy had had an Irish regiment at hand, who knows what it might have tried? - RBW


  1. Ranson, pp. 123-124, "Moses Donohoe" (1 text)
  2. BI, Ran123


Author: unknown
Earliest date: 1948 (Ranson)
Found in: Ireland