

The Ulster Protestants march to commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne and meet an ambush at a fort at Lisnagade. There is shooting. The Catholic flag was inscribed "Hail Mary" but "my Lady Mary fell asleep, and so they ran away"


"Lisnagade" refers to the white flag:

We had not march'd a mile or so when the white flag we espied,

With a branch of podereens on which they much relied,

And this inscription underneath -- Hail Mary! unto thee --

Deliver us from these Orange dogs, and then we will be free.

Zimmermann p. 43 fn. 42: "Previously to the green, the 'seditious' colour was the Jacobite white. This colour remained the symbol of the Catholic Defenders." - BS

Historical references

  • July 12, 1791 - "A group of 'Defenders', a secret Roman Catholic agrarian society, took up position in Fort Lisnagade to attack a group of 'Peep O' Day Boys' who were celebrating King William's [1691] victory at Boyne." (source: "Lisnagade" at the Musica site)


  1. Zimmermann 93, "Lisnagade" (1 text, 2 tunes)
  2. Roud #13403
  3. BI, Zimm093


Author: unknown
Earliest date: 1816 (_The Patriotic Songster_, according to Zimmermann; Zimmermann believes it dates from "early 1790's")