“Johnny the Sailor (Green Beds)”
Johnny comes from sea and asks the innkeeper for a bed and the chance to see her daughter (Molly). Neither is granted. He reveals that his last trip made him rich; the innkeeper offers him all he asked. He ignores the offer; he will go where he is wanted
Laws's numeration of the ballad subfamily known as "Jackson" is confused. In _Native American Balladry_ he lists it as an American song, with no known relatives, and numbers it as dH40. However, in _British Broadsides_, he lists it as a version of "Johnny the Sailor." The latter identification is clearly correct, even though Sandburg describes his text as a "survivor of the years of the War with Mexico." - RBW
Cross references
- cf. "The Wild Rover No More" (plot)
- cf. "The Saucy Sailor (Jack and Jolly Tar II) [Laws K38]"
- cf. "Snapoo" (plot)
- Bodleian, Harding B 25(1124), "Liverpool Landlady," T. Birt (London), 1828-1829; also Harding B 11(2177), Harding B 11(2178), Firth c.13(178), Firth c.13(177), "Liverpool Landlady"
- Warde Ford, "Johnny" (AFS 4200 A1, 1938; tr.; in AMMEM/Cowell)
- Laws K36, "Johnny the Sailor (Green Beds)"
- Belden, pp. 160-162, "Green Beds" (2 texts plus reference to 1 more)
- Randolph 53, "Johnny the Sailor" (3 texts plus 2 excerpts, 1 tune)
- Randolph/Cohen, pp. 70-72, "Johnny the Sailor" (1 text, 1 tune -- Randolph's 53A)
- Eddy 32, "The Green Bed" (1 text)
- Gardner/Chickering 24, "The Green Beds" (2 texts, 1 tune)
- Warner 49, "Captain John" (1 text, 1 tune)
- BrownII 108, "Green Beds" (2 texts plus 2 excerpts and mention of 1 more)
- Hudson 42, pp. 156-158, "Young Johnny" (1 text)
- Brewster 31, "Young Johnny" (2 texts, 1 tune)
- Sandburg, pp. 430-431, "Jackson" (1 text, 1 tune)
- SharpAp 58, "The Green Bed" (4 texts, 4 tunes)
- Vaughan Williams/Lloyd, pp. 48-49, "The Green Bed" (1 text, 1 tune)
- SHenry H779, p. 54, "The Sailor in the Alehouse" (1 text, 1 tune)
- JHCox 124, "Young Johnny" (1 text)
- Mackenzie 93, "Green Beds" (2 texts, 1 tune); "The Liverpool Landlady" (1 text, 1 tune)
- Silber-FSWB, p. 142, "Jackson" (1 text)
- Roud #276
- BI, LK36