“John Saw the Holy Number”


"John saw the holy number, Sitting on the golden altar." "Fishman Peter, fish no more, fish no more, fish no more, Fishman Peter, fish no more, Sitting on the golden altar." "Weeping Mary, weep no more...."


The notes in Brown explain, "The chorus apparently refers to John 7:4: 'And I heard the number of them that were sealed; and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand."

This is a mess. First, this isn't John 7:4; it's Revelation 7:4. And there is no hint that they were sitting on a golden altar -- though in 8:3 they apparently worship before it. But in that case, the holy number is probably seven for the seven angels. Or so it appears to me.

It may appear, from the title line, that this is the same as "John Done Saw that Number," but the form is distinct. - RBW

Cross references


  1. BrownIII 538, "John Saw the Holy Number" (1 text)
  2. Roud #11843
  3. BI, Br3538


Author: unknown
Earliest date: 1922 (Brown)
Found in: US(SE)