“Jack and Tom”
"I'm a North-countrie man, in Redesdale born... And two such lads to my house never com' As them two lads called Jack and Tom." The two decide to set out to sea. They visit various inns along the way. But both die overseas
Supplemental text
Jack and Tom Partial text(s) *** A *** From Stokoe/Reay, Songs and Ballads of Northern England, pp. 125-126. I'm a North-countrie man, in Redesdale born, Where our land lies lea and grows ne corn -- And two such lads to my house never com', As them two lads called Jack and Tom. They mounted their horses and rode over the moor Till they came to a house, where they rapped at the door' "D'ye brew onyale? d'ye sell ony beer? Or have ye only lodgings for strangers here?" (Stanzas 1, 3 of 9 [stanza 8 having 6 lines])
- Stokoe/Reay, pp. 126-127, "Jack and Tom" (1 text, 1 tune)
- ST StoR126 (Partial)
- Roud #3157
- BI, StoR126