“I Yield”
"Fathers, bear your cross, for it will only make you richer, For to enter into that bright kingdom, by and by. I yield, I yield, oh, how I love to yield, For to enter into that bright kingdom, by and by." Similarly with mothers, brothers, etc.
Supplemental text
I Yield Partial text(s) *** A *** From Harvey H. Fuson, Ballads of the Kentucky Highlands, p. 219. "From singing of C. M. Moses." Fathers, bear your cross, for it will only make you richer For to enter into that bright Kingdom, by and by. I yield, I yield, oh, how I love to yield. For to enter into that bright kingdom, by and by. (4 additional stanzas)
- Fuson, p. 219, "I Yield" (1 text)
- ST Fus219 (Partial)
- Roud #16374
- BI, Fus219