“Hind Etin”


Lady Margaret is lured by a sound to Elmond's Wood, where (Akin/Etin) keeps her while she bears 7 sons. The eldest seeks to know why his mother is sad, then accomplishes (a reunion with her family, a pardon for his father, and) a churching for all.


  1. Child 41, "Hind Etin" (3 texts)
  2. Bronson 41, "Hind Etin" (2 versions)
  3. Leach, pp. 141-148, "Hind Etin" (2 text -- 1 from Danish)
  4. OBB 36, "Hynd Etin" (1 text)
  5. PBB 21, "Hind Etin" (1 text)
  6. DBuchan 28, "Hind Etin" (1 text)
  7. DT 41, HINDETIN*
  8. Roud #33
  9. BI, C041


Author: unknown
Found in: Britain(Scotland)