“Going to Clonakilty the Other Day”
The singer "was going to Clonakilty" and met "Dan and Miley ... and Gerry Connors and his hair." They step into a pub: "we'll fix it here." At the end the singer still has a fiver and claims someone should not brag, having been "born in the wagon"
Jim Carroll's notes to IRTravellers01: "One of numerous pieces made up by Travellers concerning a small incident among themselves ... the details of which are probably long forgotten, leaving only a handful of verses."
I assume "being born in the wagon" is equivalent to being a Traveller. - BS
- Mary Delaney, "Going to Clonakilty the Other Day" (on IRTravellers01)
- Roud #16694
- BI, RcGtCtOD