The Virginia Strike of '23 — "In the dear old town of Princeton... Fire hundred railroad employees were as h… Virginia's Bloody Soil — The singer calls on his audience to listen as he tells of the troubles of the C… The Visit to Morans — "In the month of January, ninety-two... We harnessed up our team" and visited J… The Vivandeer — Vivandeer was built "to sail the ocean round ... But they left her on Blackwate… Vive la Canadienne! — French: The singer rejoices in his Canadien girl. He celebrates her blue eyes. … Vive la Compagnie — "Let Bacchus to Venus libations pour forth, Vive la compagnie. And let us make … Vive les matelots! — French (Voyageurs): "Nous etions trois garcons, tous jolis capitaines (x2), Y'e… Voice from the Tombs (Lonely Tombs) — The singer passes a tomb and hears a voice, "I once lived as you live, walked a… The Volunteer Organist — The preacher announces that the organist is ill. No one volunteers to play exce… The Volunteers' March — "Was she not a fool, When she took off our wool, To leave us so much of the Lea…