Easter Snow — The singer sees a beautiful girl and asks her to come home with him to "Easter … The Eastern Light — A sailor, having spent his money on a drunken spree, ships on board the "Easter… Easy Rider — "Easy rider, see what you have done... Made me love you, now your man done come… The Ebenezer — The sailor recalls a dreadful voyage: "Ev'ry day was scrub and grease her." The… Echo Canyon — Describes the building of a railroad through Echo Canyon; Mormons work hard and… The Echo Mocks the Corncrake — "The lass that I loved first of all was handsome, young, and fair." He recalls … The Echoing Horn — At the dawn of day the echoing horn calls to the foxhunt; the fox breaks, the d… Ed Hawkins — "Come stand around me young and old And see me welcome death so bold." The sing… Ed's Thoughts — Recitation; the speaker and comrades try to break a logjam. The jam breaks but … Edward (III) (Edward Fitzgerald) — Surrounded by "ruthless villains" as he slept, Edward wakes and stabs Swan but …