No, Never, No — "They sat by the fireside, his fair daughters three, They talked of their fathe… Put Yer Shoulder Next to Mine and Pump Away — Shanty. Formula verses about bringing a girl presents until she apparently allo… Put Yer Shoulder Next to Mine and Pump Away — Shanty. Formula verses about bringing a girl presents until she apparently allo… Robin Hood and the Potter — A potter defeats Robin. Robin disguises himself as the potter. He sells pots in… Robin Hood and the Potter — A potter defeats Robin. Robin disguises himself as the potter. He sells pots in… Rufus's Mare — Rufus sadly walks to town after his mare is stolen by Tozer. He tells his story… Rufus's Mare — Rufus sadly walks to town after his mare is stolen by Tozer. He tells his story… Sweet Tayside — The singer overhears two lovers. The man says it would be a "great sin" if the …