Married and Single Life — Singer warns young people of the perils of marriage, tells them to wait until a… Meditations of an Old Bachelor (The Good Old-Fashioned Girl) — "The girls today are different from those I used to know, They never seem conte… Michael O'Brien — "Come all you girls ... A man like me with property free -- how can you pass hi… The Old Bachelor (I) — Singer, an old bachelor ignorant of women, marries a 16-year-old, primarily to … The Old Bachelor (I) — Singer, an old bachelor ignorant of women, marries a 16-year-old, primarily to … The Roving Bachelor — The bachelor comes to town determined to find a wife. Seeing a woman, he engage… The Sporting Bachelors — "Come all you sportin' bachelors, take warning by me." The singer warns of a fa… Starving to Death on a Government Claim (The Lane County Bachelor) — "My name is Frank Taylor, a bach'lor I am, I'm keeping old batch on an elegant … Stern Old Bachelor — The singer describes his life in the "little sod shanty dear to me." He is prou…