Results 81 - 90 of
310 for keyword:foreignlanguage.
— In Irish Gaelic; dialog; woman asks, "Who's that down there tapping the window?…
Connlach Ghlas an Fhomhair (Green Harvest Stubble, The)
— Gaelic. Singer wishes he and his sweetheart were wed and on a ship sailing west…
Courte Paille, La
— Canadian French: A sailing crew has been seven years at sea, and is starving. T…
Cribisse! Cribisse! (Crawfish! Crawfish!)
— "Cribisse! Cribisse! pas gain di tout "show" bebe!... Creyole trappe ye pou' fa…
Criole Candjo (Creole Candio)
— Creole French. Candio comes asking the young woman to "make merry" with him. He…
Cruiskeen Lawn
— "Let the farmer praise his grounds, as the hunter does his hounds" and so on, b…
Cuatro Palomitas Blancas (Four While Doves)
— Spanish: "Cuatros palomitas blancas (x3), Sentadas en un alero (x2)." "Unas a l…
Cucaracha, La
— Recognized by the references in the chorus to "la cucaracha" (the cockroach). T…
D'ou Viens-Tu, Bergere?
— French: "'Where did you come from, shepherd girl?' 'I came from the stable... I…
Dans Les Chantiers (The Winter Camp)
— French: A complaint about life in a lumber camp -- Hard work in cold snowy weat…