Saint Patrick's Day — Ask Patrick's protection. He secured Ireland's faith for the Catholic church. W… Saint Patrick's Day in Paris — Let Irishmen and honest men, in Ireland or France, "religiously think 'Tis his … Saint Patrick's Day in the Morning (I) — Saint Patrick drove out the witches and necromancers. "This champion of Christ … Saint Patrick's Day in the Morning (II) — "On St Patrick's day in the morning" there'll be music, dancing, fine food, and… Saint Stephen and Herod — Stephen sees the star of Bethlehem, and tells his master King Herod that he can… Sair Fyel'd, Hinny — "(I/Aw) was young and lusty, I was fair and clear... Mony a lang year." "Sair f… Sal and the Baby — "I went down town to see my lady. Nobody's home but Sal an' the baby. Sal was d… Sal's Got a Meatskin — "Sal's got a meatskin hid away/gonna get a meatskin someday"; "Sal a-sailing on… Saladin's Crew — Hazelton is waiting to be hanged. He hopes his parents do not hear of his death… Salangadou — Creole French. "Salangadou-ou-ou (x3), Salangadou, Cote piti fille la ye, Salan…