Ground for the Floor (I) — At day's end, the singer (a shepherd) makes his way home, where he sits content… The Hard Times of Old England — Singer tells that the trade has gone; if you go to a shop without money, you ca… Hard Traveling — "I been doin' some hard travelin', I thought you knowed." The singer describes … Harvest Home Song (I) — Singer toasts the master of the house, his health and prosperity, and the mistr… Hash o' Bennygak (Hash o' Benagoak) — Bothy ballad. Humorous description of characters working on a farm. Singer says… He Lies in the American Land — A man emigrates to America, leaving wife and children back in Europe. When he s… The Hireman Chiel — A baron's son disguised as a laborer wins the heart of a young lady. Her parent… The Hobo from the T & P Line — Singer, a hobo, gets a job in (Wellford). He courts the boss's daughter; the bo… Hold the Fort (Union Version) — Rewrite of traditional hymn: "Hold the fort, for we are coming/Union men be str… The Hop-Pickers' Tragedy — A group of hop-pickers on their way from work approaches (Larklake) Bridge in a…