Results 41 - 50 of
53 for keyword:wordplay.
The Poor Old Slave
— "The poor old slave is dead and gone, We know that he is free. Disturb him not,…
The Poor Old Slave
— "The poor old slave is dead and gone, We know that he is free. Disturb him not,…
Poor Thing
— "A maid all alone in a poor house did dwell.... Her hair was red and her age wa…
The Sailor's Alphabet
— Capstan/pumping shanty; sailors remember the alphabet and tell of their, "merry…
Saint Patrick's Arrival
— Saint Patrick exhortes the Irish to give up poteen and gives them other stuff t…
Simple Little Nancy Brown
— Various girls go out, get in trouble, and find unexpected solutions. Example: "…
The Tree Toad
— "A tree toad loved a she toad... She was a three-toed tree toad, A two-toed tre…
The Tree Toad
— "A tree toad loved a she toad... She was a three-toed tree toad, A two-toed tre…
The Vowels
— "B-a, ba; b-e, be; B-i, bick-a-bi; B-o, bick-a-bi-bo; B-u, bu, bick-a-bi-bo-bu.…
Yuba Dam
— Conductor asks the singer where he wants to go; he replies "Yuba Dam." Conducto…