Bold Doherty — Doherty loves drink and women. He fools his mother into giving him money. He pa… Bold Larkin (Bull Yorkens) — In 1855 the Elizabeth runs for land in a heavy sea. Andrew Shean/Sheehan, a sai… Bonny at Morn — "The sheep's in the meadows, The kye's in the corn, Thou's ower lang in thy bed… The Boston Burglar — The youth is brought up by honest parents, but turns wild. At last he is taken … The Brave Fireman (Break the News to Mother Gently) — A fireman, mortally injured while rescuing a child, makes his last request: "Br… Break the News to Mother — "While shot and shell were screaming Across the battlefield, The boys in blue w… The British Soldier (I) — "The war was all ended, And the stars were shining bright" as a soldier lies dy… The Broon Cloak — "Some lads are ne'er at rest Till wi' crowds o' lassies press'd... But pleasure… Brown-Eyed Lee — "Kind friends, if you will listen, A story I will tell, About a final dust-up..… Burd Ellen and Young Tamlane — Burd Ellen is at her knitting, crying over her baby. Young Tamlane, apparently …