Little Brown Dog — "When I was a little boy As fat as I could go, They set me there upon the fence… Little Brown Dog — "When I was a little boy As fat as I could go, They set me there upon the fence… Little Poppa Rich — Children's game: "Little poppa-rich you draw your long lannet/Sit by the fire a… My Bonnie Wee Hen — The singer had a fine hen; it laid two eggs a day. But it went out to seek food… My Bonnie Wee Hen — The singer had a fine hen; it laid two eggs a day. But it went out to seek food… Night Visiting Song — Young man comes visiting his love's window, bidding her admit him. She does, an… Night Visiting Song — Young man comes visiting his love's window, bidding her admit him. She does, an… Old John Wallis — John Brown had an old mare. He wasn't bid one farthing for her at Caister fair.… Rigby Johnson Chandler — Floating lyrics, united by the refrain "Rigby Johnson Chandler" or similar. Ex… See-Saw, Marjorie Daw — "See, saw, Margery Daw, The old hen flew over the malt house, She counted her c…