The Lord of Lorn and the False Steward — The Lord of Lorn, having done well in school, is sent to France to study. His s… Mister, Please Give Me a Penny — "Mister, please give me a penny, For I ain't got any Pa, Mister, please give me… The Muckle Meal-Pock — "I am a sturdy beggar loon, weel kent the country through." The rambler describ… Nobody's Darling on Earth — "I'm out in this bleak world alone, Walking about in the streets... Begging for… The Old Settoo — A rich farmer's daughter courts a beggar wearing an old settoo. Her father trie… The Old Tobacco Box (There Was an Old Soldier) — "There was an old (soldier) and he had a wooden leg. He had no tobacco; no toba… Patrick Sheehan — Patrick and his family are forced from their home by the landlord. His mother d… The Poor Old Sailor — An old sailor begging tells his story: his death, falsely reported, caused his … Remember the Poor Tramp Has to Live — Singer, a tramp, tells how hard his life is, asks for understanding. Chorus end… Robin Hood and the Beggar (I) — Robin meets a beggar who asks charity. They fight. The beggar wins. Robin gives…