The Roving Newfoundlanders (II) — "Ye roving boys of Newfoundland, come listen unto me." In 1863, Shea hires 55 m… The Royal Oak — While sailing on the "Royal Oak", the singer and his fellows spy ten Turkish me… Rules of the Road at Sea (Sailor's Rhymes) — Not a song; a series of rhymes by which sailors would learn how to behave at se… Run, Let the Bullgine Run — Shanty or railroading song. Refrain: "Run with/let the bulgine run. Way-yah oh-… Run, Let the Bullgine Run — Shanty or railroading song. Refrain: "Run with/let the bulgine run. Way-yah oh-… Sailing, Sailing — Known mostly for the lines in the middle of the chorus: "Sailing, sailing, over… Sailing, Sailing — Known mostly for the lines in the middle of the chorus: "Sailing, sailing, over… Sailor Bill — "I've sailed to the east and I've sailed to the west, They call me Sailor Bill,… The Sailor Boy (I) — A girl asks her father to build her a boat so that she may search for her lover… The Sailor Boy (I) — A girl asks her father to build her a boat so that she may search for her lover…