Grand Conversation on Sebastopol Arose (II) — The British and French join Omar Pasha "to seize upon Sebastopol and set poor T… Le Grand Coureur — French shanty. Verses tell of the Corsair, which sets out from L'Orient to hunt… The Grand Dissolving Views (I) — Singer, by a fireside, sees "a Grand Dissolving View" of poverty on one hand an… The Grand Dissolving Views (II) — Singer, by a fireside, sees "a Grand Dissolving View" of past events as -- a po… The Grand Falls Tragedy — At 3 A.M. a flat-car, loaded with rocks, falls down an incline and crushes thre… The Grand Hotel — "There's a place in Vancouver the loggers know well, It's a place where they ke… The Grand Mystic Order — The singer dreams of his initiation into the Orange Institution. He must answer… Grand Saint Pierre, Ouvre Ta Porte (Great Saint Peter, Open Your Door) — French. A Scottish sailor is at heaven's door. St Peter refuses him: sailors be… The Grand Templar's Song — Grand Templars will be led by Moses's staff and Aaron's rod "to the promised la… Grandfather Bryan — Grandfather Bryan dies on St Patrick's day. The singer lists the worthless item…