Garvagh Town — The singer meets the "star of Garvagh town." She refuses his advances because h… The Gauger — "There was a captain of the fleet, A bonnie lassie he did entreat (x2) For to w… General Guinness — General Guinness "is a soldier strong and 'stout,' Found on every 'bottle-front… Get Up, Jack! John, Sit Down! — A song of the eternal tasks of the sailor, repeated from generation to generati… The Gila Monster Route — A hobo is left behind by the train. The poem recalls his history: He and his pa… The Girls of Newfoundland — The singer sailed from "a hot and sunny clime" for Harbour Grace thinking about… The Glass of Whisky — Murrough O'Monaghan, home from the wars minus a leg, begs along a road. He wish… A Glorious Wedding — "I will sing you a song of a comical style... It's all about a wedding, a glori… Gloucestershire Wassailers' Song — "Wassail! wassail! all over the town, Our (pledge/toast) it is white, our ale i… God Don't Like It — A warning against drink: "Well, God don't like it, no, no!... It's a-scandalous…