Mary from Dungloe — The singer is leaving Donegal and Mary from Dungloe for America. "It was your c… Me and My Baby and My Baby's Friend — Floating verse song (even the chorus changes): "Me 'n' my baby 'n' my baby's fr… Michael, Row the Boat Ashore — "Michael, row the boat ashore, (h)allelujah" (x2). Remaining verses tend to be … Mississippi Jail House Groan — Singer, in jail, sleeps "with my back turned to the wall." His woman brings cof… Mister Rabbit — "'Mister Rabbit, Mister Rabbit, your tail's mighty white.' 'Yes, bless God, bee… Molly Put the Kettle On (Polly Put the Kettle On) — "(Molly/Polly/Kitty) put the kettle on, Sally blow the dinner horn... We'll all… Monkey Sitting on the End of a Rail — "Monkey settin' on de end uf a rail, Pickin' his teeth wid de end uf his tail, … The Monkey and the Baboon — "The monkey and the baboon playing seven-up The monkey won the money And was sc… Moonshiner — "I've been a moonshiner for sev'nteen long years, I've spent all my money for w… Moonshiner — "I've been a moonshiner for sev'nteen long years, I've spent all my money for w…