The Piper o' Dumbarton — "Saw ye Rory Murphy, Rory Murphy, Rory Murphy, Saw ye Rory Murphy, Comin' throu… The Piper of Crossbarry — Piper Flor Begley volunteers to fight but his captain prefers that "Today you'l… The Piper's Tunes — The singer goes to town "to view the pretty lasses" and sees a famous Captain a… Pirate Smith — Smith scoured the seas "with a noble crew of cutthroats." "He said that grabbin… The Pirate of the Isles — "I command a steady band Of pirates so bold and free." The pirate rejoices at b… The Pirate's Serenade — "My boat's by the tower, my bark's in the bay, And both must be gone ere the da… Pitcaithly's Wells — "It fell aboot the Lammas time A fine time o' the year..." that the singer goes… The Pitman's Courtship — "Quite soft blew the wind from the west, The sun faintly shone in the sky, When… The Pitman's Happy Times — "When aw wes yung, maw collier lads, Ne man cud happier be; For wages was like … Pitty Patty Poke — Game played while patting a baby's feet: "Pitty patty poke, Shoe the wild colt,…