While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks — "While shepherds watched their flocks by night, All seated on the ground, The a… Who Am Dat a-Walkin' in de Corn? — "Who am dat a-walkin' in de co'n?.... How long O Lawd, nobody knows, I pray I'l… Who Built the Ark? — Amalgamation of floating verses about Noah, the ark, the animals, etc.. Noah bu… Who Did Swallow Jonah? — "Who did (x4), Who did swallow Jo-Jo-Jonah?... Who did swallow Jonah down?" "Wh… Windsor — Shape note hymn: "My God, how many are my fears, How fast my foes increase! The… Windy Bill (I) — "When Joshua camped at pore Jericho's town, He blew his horn till the walls tum… Witness — Worksong: "Can I get a witness? Come and be a witness. Be a sanctified witness.… Worthington — Shape note hymn: "Thou we adore, eternal name, And humbly own to thee. How feeb… Wrestlin' Jacob — "Wrestlin' Jacob seek de Lawd. I will not let thee go. And wrestle all night ti…