Captain James (The Captain's Apprentice) — (Captain James) has a servant who commits a "trifling offense." James ties him … Captain Jim Rees and the Katie — "Captain Jim Rees said when the Katie was made, Arkansas City goin' to be her t… Captain Jinks — "I'm Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines, I feed my horse on corn and beans And … Captain Kidd — Captain Kidd tells the tale of his wicked life. His early sins include the murd… Captain Old Blue — The singer warns the sheriff not to bother "Captain Old Blue." The song describ… Captain Osborn — "There was once a gay maiden, Her name was fair Kate. She traveled the Big Wate… Captain Shepherd — Captain Shepherd sails to St Pierre. In a storm he stops at Bonne Bay where he … Captain Strachan — "Here's a health to Captain Strachan" and his men. Three leagues from Aladdin S… Captain Thompson — The singer boards Captain Thompson's ship Fame to America. They escape stormy s… Captain Ward and the Rainbow — Captain Ward asks the king to grant him a place to rest. The king will not gran…