“Rose the Red and White Lily”


Rose and Lily are each loved by a son of their cruel stepmother, who attempts to part them. The girls disguise themselves as boys and go into service with their erstwhile loves. After much adventure they are revealed and reunited, each couple marrying.


  1. Child 103, "Rose the Red and White Lily" (3 texts)
  2. Bronson 103, "Rose the Red and White Lily" (2 versions)
  3. OBB 55, "Rose the Red and White Lily" (1 text)
  4. DBuchan 21, "Rose the Red and White Lily" (1 text, 1 tune in appendix) {Bronson's #1}
  5. Roud #3335
  6. BI, C103


Author: unknown
Earliest date: 1783
Found in: Britain(England,Scotland)