Calomel — The singer describes how the doctor makes regular visits and with equal regular… Calvary — Story of Jesus' crucifixion told from the point of view of one of his grieving … Camden Town — Singer meets a pretty girl, asks her to sit by him (and proposes marriage; they… Came Ye O'er Frae France — Geordie [George I] is ridiculed. "Jocky's gane to France, And Montgomery's lady… Cameloun — "It's Tarvis parish that I cam frae... To the Fyvie lands in the mornin'." The … The Camp at Hoover Lake — "The first day of September we were all at hand For to go to the shanty at Shee… The Camp on McNeal — Times and names of the crew that worked one winter for A and R Loggie. While ti… Camp on de Cheval Gris, De — French-Canadian dialect song. Singer visits his abandoned lumber camp and remin… The Campaign of 1856 — "Old Benton had a daughter, Fair Jessie was her name, The Rocky Mountain ranger… The Campanero — The sailor complains about the conditions on the Campanero. "The skipper is a b…