Chapeau Boys — "I'm a jolly good fellow, Pat Gregg is my name. I come from Chapeau, that villa… Ta Clerk in ta Offish — "Noo Rosie se'll be prood, and Rosie she'll be praw.. For ta praw, praw lad's c… The Coal Owner and the Pitman's Wife — "A dialog I'll tell you as true as my life, Between a coal owner and a poor pit… The Collier's Rant — As the singer and his marra/marrer (workmate) go to work, they meet the devil; … The Courting Coat — The singer takes his girl to bed while still in his (pit boots/navvy boots/cour… The Death of Jerry Damron — Jerry Damron and his crew are killed on the C & O railroad, apparently in a der… Diamond Joe (I) — Singer tells of ranch-owner Diamond Joe, who mistreats his workers, talks too m… Dublin Jack of All Trades — Roving Jack arrives in Dublin and becomes a porter, pastry cook, baker, coffin … The Dying Ploughboy — Singer, a ploughboy, feels a blood vessel burst in his chest; although his doct… E. P. Walker — E. P. Walker's thresher gets caught and fails to work. Someone drops in a wrenc…