Natural Born Reacher — "De white man say de times is hahd, Nigger never worries, 'case he trust in de … Nell Flaherty's Drake — "Oh, my name it is Neil, quite candid I tell, And I lived in Clonmell, which I'… The Night I Stole Old Sammy Morgan's Gin — Singer steals a jug of gin from Sammy (Sandy) Morgan, drinks it all, and halluc… The Old Mayflower — Mayflower runs ashore with its cargo of dry fish and ale. After the cargo is st… The Old Woman Who Went to Market (The Old Woman and the Pedlar) — "There was a little woman, as I've heard tell, Fol loll, diddle diddle dol, She… Petticoat Lane (II) — A man from the country comes to town. His friend shows him the sights of Pettic… Prospecting Dream — The singer dreams a dream of a miner's hard life. His long-tom falls in the riv… The Rambling Boy (III) — Jack the sailor and his girl spend the night and stop in a Green Street tavern … Riding Down to Portsmouth — A sailor falls in love with a pretty maid while "riding down to Portsmouth." Af… Riding Down to Portsmouth — A sailor falls in love with a pretty maid while "riding down to Portsmouth." Af…