The American Aginora — A ship from Limerick to St John's is disabled. Two men drown. The food is lost.… The Banks of Newfoundland (II) — The singer bids landsmen to "bless your happy lot," since they are safe from st… Brown Flour — Hard times on Fogo. All we get is brown flour from Russia that won't rise, make… Derry Walls Away — The singer recalls when "Lord Antrim's men came down yon glen" While some oppos… Derry's Walls — 200 years ago "James and all his rebel band" were forced to retreat from Derry'… Did You Ever See the Divil? — The Devil dug "pritties" in the garden, swatting flies with his tail until "th… Ellen O'Connor — Ellen O'Connor is leaving Ireland because the famine and eviction have reached … The Four-Loom Weaver — Singer, a weaver, laments hard times -- his clothes are worn out, his furnitur… The Gates of Londonderry — King James and all his Host" attack Derry "but vain were all their Popish arts,… The Glen Alone — The crew lowers a boat to investigate "an ugly form" in the moonlit. It's the G…