The Middlesex Flora — Bound from London in a storm, "the proud waves did beat her to staves, her name… Newfoundland Sealing Song — The Greenland and Travan arrive at Harbour Grace "Chock up to every hatch" with… Nova Scotia Sealing Song — In 1894 Director goes sealing, "bound for Yokahama." Before rounding Cape Horn … Old Grandma Hones — The Liza leaves Sydney for Halifax and "Missus Hone's." Grandpa Hones tells tal… Old Grandma Hones — The Liza leaves Sydney for Halifax and "Missus Hone's." Grandpa Hones tells tal… The Orange Maid of Sligo — A tiny boat is driven by wind onto the shore of the Bay of Sligo. "At the bow t… Prison of Newfoundland — "... listen to my sad tale, While I relate the hardship attending St. John's ja… Prison of Newfoundland — "... listen to my sad tale, While I relate the hardship attending St. John's ja… Rounding the Horn — Sailor describes hard trip around Cape Horn (in the frigate "Amphitrite"), and … Sable Island Shore — A tribute to the lifeguards at the Sable Island lighthouse who "glide from the …