Captain Grant — Singer, an apprentice in Northamptonshire, takes to highway robbery and is impr… Cole Younger — Cole Younger tells of his career as a robber, first with his brother Bob and th… The Convict Maid — "You lads and lasses all attend to me While I relate my tale of misery; By hope… The Coon-Can Game — The singer is so disturbed by his woman's unfaithfulness that he cannot even pl… The Crafty Farmer — A farmer carrying money from/for a transaction is met by a robber. The robber d… The Crime of the D'Autremont Brothers — "Way out west in Oregon in 1923, The D'Autremont brothers wrecked the train as … Dick Turpin and the Lawyer — Dick Turpin, upon meeting a lawyer, claims to be so afraid of meeting Turpin th… Dick o the Cow — Johnnie Armstrong decides on a raid, but has little luck. He is advised to stea… Dixie Brown — Arriving in (San Francisco), a sailor goes on a spree and ends up broke. He is … Dupree — Betty asks Dupree for a diamond ring; he promises her one. He sets out for the …