The Rakes of Mallow — "Beauing, belleing, dancing, drinking, Breaking windows, damning, sinking, Ever… The Rakes of Mallow — "Beauing, belleing, dancing, drinking, Breaking windows, damning, sinking, Ever… The Rattling Railway Boy — The singer left home at twenty two. He went from town to town working on the ra… Roving Jack the Baker — Roving Jack the baker returns from war with a good pension. He meets a girl wit… Smeara, Na (The Blackberries) — Singer, "with a wish for every woman": loved "a dark-eyed damsel" while "herdin… Smeara, Na (The Blackberries) — Singer, "with a wish for every woman": loved "a dark-eyed damsel" while "herdin… Song of Repentance — A rake repents the "time sadly wasted" drinking, bragging, seducing, and versif… An Spailpin Fanach (The Migrant Labourer) — Gaelic. Farewell to my dear island and the boys I left at home. I enlisted in t… Sporting Maggie — The singer meets a girl. She doesn't want to marry but only "to court with a sp… The Wayward Boy — The Wayward Boy has sex with a girl, who gives him "pimples thick" upon his pen…