Davy Crockett — Davy and/or the singer engage in various improbable activities such as hunting … Derby, Derby — "Oh, Derby, Derby, won't you marry me? Derby, Derby, won't you say yes? Derby, … Down the Road (I) — Floating verses, usually not terribly cohesive. Various choruses: "Down the roa… En Roulant Ma Boule — French: "En roulant ma boule roulant...." Typical plot: Three ducks are paddlin… Fod — "As I went down to the mowin' field Hu-ri tu-ri fod-a-link-a-di-do, As I went d… Go Get the Ax — "Peepin' through the knot-hole Of grandpa's wooden leg, Who'll wind the clock w… Goodbye Liza Jane (I) — "Our horse fell down the well around behind the stable (x2), Well he didn't fal… Ha, Ha, Ha — Refrain: "Ha, Ha, Ha! Don't you hear me now?/The Black horse calverns are comin… Happy, Frisky Jim — Assorted nonsense about Jim's family and neighbors: "I'm my daddy's only son, G… Heave Away, Boys, Heave Away (II) — Shanty. "Oh I love the sailor an' the sailor loves me. Heave away, boys, heave …