Handsome John — "A lady lived near Portland square, She keep a waiting maid so fair Who loved t… Heenan and Sayers — Heenan travels from America to fight the British boxers. Sayers draws first blo… The Hop-Joint — "I went to the hop-joint And thought I'd have some fun, In walked Bill Bailey W… The Horse Wrangler (The Tenderfoot) — A young fellow decides to try cowpunching. The foreman assures his that it is a… The Hound Dog Song — "Ev'ry time I come to town, The boys keep kickin' my dog around, Makes no diff'… The Hungry Army (I) — Having fought with his sweetheart, the Irishman enlists in the army. He quarrel… I Am a Newfoundlander — "I am a Newfoundlander, I go out to the ice. I'm always in the best of ships...… I Onct Was Young — "I onct was young but now I'm old, Am blind, but yet I have a soul, That soul t… Iomairibh eutrom ho ro (Row Lightly) — In Scots Gaelic; "The milkmaid went to the seashore/And she did a thing that ot… The Irishman's Goldmine — An Irishman comes to Australia and to look for gold. He innocently trusts to a …